MobilePack promotion toolkit

Welcome, MobilePack™ hosts! Thank you for joining us! As a MobilePack host you have become a part of the FMSC team, and we’re so excited you’re here. 

We want to help your packing event be the best it can be, so we’ve created this toolkit as a resource for you. Use these publicity materials to jump-start your event and to keep the momentum going throughout your event planning process.

This toolkit will help you:

  • Build relationships with your community and media
  • Spread FMSC awareness in your area
  • Fuel funds for your MobilePack and the FMSC cause
Find even more resources on our Fundraising Toolkit page.

MobilePack logos

You may use these logos to help create a brand for your event. NOTE: Please read and follow our FMSC guidelines. Please send your document to so our Marketing team can verify the correct use of our logo for your event. 

Poster and flyer templates

Hang posters and distribute flyers in your church, business or other community areas.

These are Canva templates, designed to be edited directly in Canva and downloaded. To use them: open and click “Use template for new design.” Make the necessary edits to customize for your event and then click “Share” to download.


Use this Letterhead for more direct person-to-person contact. Just add your MobilePack event name, number and location. Use the sample text to contact individuals, churches and businesses. Letters are formatted to tri-fold into No. 10 window envelopes. Adapt the text to fit your event and your community.

Press release template

Reach out to local media to raise awareness for your event! Simply update the highlighted fields and send your customized news release for approval to before you distribute it. 

Save the date templates

Use these postcard-style save the dates to invite people to your event. 

Videos and photos

Find a collection of videos on our YouTube channel, or you can download videos from our Dropbox

Find photos for use on our Flickr photostream.

Social media

Facebook cover photos

Facebook/Instagram posts

Facebook and Twitter profile pictures

Branding: event name & website

When creating your Event Name, do not use "Feed My Starving Children" or "FMSC" alone in the title. Please add "MobilePack" to the title to avoid confusion with our permanent sites and national identity. 

  • Examples: "Sioux Falls FMSC MobilePack" or "Bethlehem Lutheran MobilePack" 

Similarly, if you are creating an Event Website, you must also include "MobilePack" in the URL. 

  • Examples: "" or ""

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