Photo policy
We love our FMSC volunteers, and we love seeing and sharing photos of you in action! Below you’ll find our policy on photos, including information about the type of consent you give when you come in to pack meals at any FMSC site or MobilePack event across the United States.
Thank you for your heart to serve kids all around the world, and for passionately volunteering with us. We appreciate YOU!
FMSC official photo policy

Volunteers, or in the case of minor children, legal guardians of volunteers (collectively “FMSC Volunteers”), consent to Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) taking and using any images, video, sound, name, and/or verbal statements (“Likeness”) taken at any FMSC packing site or any event sponsored by FMSC. FMSC Volunteers further grant FMSC permission to use and re-use their Likeness, including any images, video, or audio in which the FMSC Volunteers may be included intact or in part, or in which the FMSC Volunteers’ voice may be heard, in connection with advertising and promoting FMSC and its services, including but not limited to use on FMSC’s website, on any and all social media, including, but not limited to Facebook, YouTube, and LinkedIn, and in broadcasting media. FMSC Volunteers also authorize FMSC to use their names in association with any and all such use of their Likeness.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, to ensure the privacy of individuals and children, images will not be identified using full names or personal identifying information without written approval from the photographed subject, parent, or legal guardian.
FMSC Volunteers who do not wish to have their Likeness used as described above should make their wishes known to the photographer, and/or the event organizers, and/or contact FMSC at 401 93rd Avenue NW, Coon Rapids, MN 55433 or, in writing of his/her intentions and include a photograph of his or herself. FMSC will use the photo only for identification purposes and will hold it in confidence.
Any FMSC Volunteer that fails to notify FMSC in writing of his or her desire not to have his or her Likeness used by FMSC, agrees to release, defend, hold harmless and indemnify FMSC from any and all claims involving the use of his or her Likeness.
Any person or organization not affiliated with FMSC may not use, copy, alter or modify FMSC photographs, graphics, videography or other, similar reproductions or recordings without the advance written permission of an authorized designee from FMSC.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!