Distribution Partner Resources

“Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ. For we were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body — whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or free — and we were all given the one Spirit to drink. Even so the body is not made up of one part but of many.” — 1 Corinthians 12:12–14.

Thank you for partnering with FMSC. FMSC believes God is calling the Church to rise up, reflect the image of God and glorify Him — it is our responsibility to look for ways to elevate the Church and its witness to the world. To do this, FMSC and distribution partners must work together as the body of Christ, using each other’s strengths to bring the kingdom here on earth in amazing ways.

Here you'll find information and resources to maximize our partnership. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to international@fmsc.org and we would be happy to help!

Partner Conference

Each year, FMSC invites its distribution partners to come together for a time of encouragement and fellowship. At a two-day conference, mission-minded organizations connect face-to-face and learn from each other’s experiences. FMSC also shares how God is directing and growing FMSC and communicates any organizational changes that might affect partnerships. FMSC strongly encourages distribution partners to make every effort to attend this conference.

Sign up to attend or find resources from the last conference

Partner Portal

The Partner Portal is a place for our distribution partners to log in and see info about their shipments, submit Container Status Forms, and request unallocated containers. If you have trouble logging in, please email Outbound@fmsc.org for assistance. Find the portal at partner.fmsc.org

Visit the Parter Portal

Distribution Partner Feedback

FMSC and its volunteers want to know that food arrived safely and hungry children in need are being fed. So, we rely on distribution partners to report shipping and distribution success in a timely manner. Designed with our distribution partners in mind, these feedback reports are good stewardship and due diligence on a generous donation — they’re tools to help us communicate our expectations and impact.

Container Status Forms

Submit Container Status Forms in the FMSC Partner Portal

Food Impact Forms

These forms give your organization the opportunity to highlight the impact FMSC food has within your feeding program(s). Submit Food Impact Forms

Food Impact Forms

MannaPack® Nutrition Education Materials

Educational posters and flashcards available in English, Creole, Spanish and Tagalog.

MannaPack Cookbooks

MannaPack cookbooks collect recipes that creatively incorporate MannaPack meals into familiar foods in different regions.

MannaPack Nutrition Data and Product Specifications

Download nutrition data and product specifications for each food product.

MannaPack Rice (36 - 370g bag)

Product no: FMSC Meal 01-6

Nutrition Data (PDF)

Product Specifications (PDF)

MannaPack Rice (14 - 1kg bag)

Product no: FMSC Meal 01-7

Nutrition Data (PDF)

Product Specifications (PDF)

MannaPack Rice (1 - 16.4kg bag)

Product no: FMSC Meal 01-8

Nutritional Data (PDF)

Product Specifications (PDF)

MannaPack Potato-D

Product no: FMSC Meal 02-4

Nutrition Data (PDF)

Product Specifications (PDF)

MannaPack Potato-W

Product no: FMSC Meal 03-3

Nutrition Data (PDF)

Product Specifications (PDF)

MannaPack Mix

Product no: FMSC Meal 04-5

Nutrition Data (PDF)

Product Specifications (PDF)

Solution Providers

Solution providers are entities with expertise in areas such as safe water, agriculture, spiritual development, medical care, education and more. FMSC will vet and build relationships with solution providers on our partners' behalf so that they don’t have to spend their time doing so.

Area of Expertise
Organization Name
Agricultural Sustainability ECHO ECHO empowers subsistence farmers with knowledge and skills by teaching them agricultural solutions related to plants, practices, and technologies. http://www.echonet.org/
Agricultural Sustainability Healing Hands International HHI conducts survival gardening workshops in order to teach community leaders how to provide for their nutritional needs. http://www.hhi.org/
Humanitarian Airfare Fly for Good Fly For Good provides discounted fares with 36 airlines and International http://www.flyforgood.com/
Livelihood Development FMSC MarketPlace FMSC MarketPlace sells hand-made goods from global artisans through FMSC locations and online. Proceeds provide both living wages for artisans and funding for FMSC’s feeding program. https://www.fmscmarketplace.org/
Medical Equipment and Supplies MAP International MAP is a global Christian health and relief organization that serves communities by providing medicines, preventing disease, and promoting health. http://www.map.org/
Mission Trips Praying Pelican Missions PPM exists to build up, encourage, and assist the local church as they reach their communities for Christ. As partners of FMSC, PPM brings excellence in the management of short-term teams, trip planning for donors and volunteers, and on-the-ground trip logistics. http://www.prayingpelicanmissions.org/
Nutrition Vitamin Angels Vitamin Angels targets pregnant women, new mothers, and children under 5 by providing annual in-kind grants of vitamin A, deworming medication and multiple micronutrient supplementation (MMS) for pregnant women. http://www.vitaminangels.org/
Spiritual Development BibleProject BibleProject is a nonprofit animation studio that produces short-form, fully animated videos to make the biblical story accessible to everyone, everywhere. http://www.bibleproject.com/languages/
Spiritual Development Biblica Biblica provides Bible translation, procurement and access to Bibles, and programming strategies related to the Bible and scripture. http://www.biblica.com/
Spiritual Development, Nutrition and Play Kids Around the World Kids Around the World has three main programs. Its Play OneMeal and KIDStory programs forcus on developing children in body mind and spirit. http://www.kidsaroundtheworld.com/
Spiritual Development - Conflict Resolution Peacemaker Ministries Peacemaker is a conflict resolution ministry that provides in-person and virtual training, reconciliation, and consulting to organizations for biblical peacemaking. They have a free phone app to walk one through conflict resolution. http://www.peacemakerministries.org/peacemaker-app
Transportation Missionary Flights International MFI provides reliable transportation from Florida to affiliated missions located in Haiti, the Dominican Republic and the Bahamas for passengers, mail, and cargo. http://www.missionaryflights.org/
Travel Insurance Faith Ventures Faith Ventures provides travel protection and discounts to humanitarian and nonprofit travelers. http://www.faithventures.com/
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Water Mission Water Mission International provides sustainable safe water and sanitation solutions for people in developing countries and disaster areas. http://www.watermissions.org/
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Global Water Center The Global Water Center was created to change the world by convening safe water organizations, corporate partners, governmental agencies, and millions of people just like you to work together to end the global water crisis. http://www.globalwatercenter.org/
Area of Expertise
Agricultural Sustainability ECHO

ECHO empowers subsistence farmers with knowledge and skills by teaching them agricultural solutions related to plants, practices, and technologies.

Agricultural Sustainability Healing Hands International

HHI conducts survival gardening workshops in order to teach community leaders how to provide for their nutritional needs.

Humanitarian Airfare Fly for Good

Fly For Good provides discounted fares with 36 airlines and International

Livelihood Development FMSC MarketPlace

FMSC MarketPlace sells hand-made goods from global artisans through FMSC locations and online. Proceeds provide both living wages for artisans and funding for FMSC’s feeding program.

Medical Equipment and Supplies MAP International

MAP is a global Christian health and relief organization that serves communities by providing medicines, preventing disease, and promoting health.

Mission Trips Praying Pelican Missions

PPM exists to build up, encourage, and assist the local church as they reach their communities for Christ. As partners of FMSC, PPM brings excellence in the management of short-term teams, trip planning for donors and volunteers, and on-the-ground trip logistics.

Nutrition Vitamin Angels

Vitamin Angels targets pregnant women, new mothers, and children under 5 by providing annual in-kind grants of vitamin A, deworming medication and multiple micronutrient supplementation (MMS) for pregnant women.

Spiritual Development BibleProject

BibleProject is a nonprofit animation studio that produces short-form, fully animated videos to make the biblical story accessible to everyone, everywhere.

Spiritual Development Biblica

Biblica provides Bible translation, procurement and access to Bibles, and programming strategies related to the Bible and scripture.

Spiritual Development, Nutrition and Play Kids Around the World

Kids Around the World has three main programs its Play OneMeal and KIDStory programs forcus on developing children in body mind and spirit.

Spiritual Development - Conflict Resolution Peacemaker Ministries

Peacemaker is a conflict resolution ministry that provides in-person and virtual training, reconciliation, and consulting to organizations for biblical peacemaking. They have a free phone app to walk one through conflict resolution.

Transportation Missionary Flights International

MFI provides reliable transportation from Florida to affiliated missions located in Haiti, the Dominican Republic and the Bahamas for passengers, mail, and cargo.

Travel Insurance Faith Ventures

Faith Ventures provides travel protection and discounts to humanitarian and nonprofit travelers.

Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Water Mission

Water Mission International provides sustainable safe water and sanitation solutions for people in developing countries and disaster areas.

Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Global Water Center

The Global Water Center was created to change the world by convening safe water organizations, corporate partners, governmental agencies, and millions of people just like you to work together to end the global water crisis.
