The Feed

Stories of Feeding God's Children Hungry in Body & Spirit

Betchaida's Hope

Betchaida's Hope

"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer." -- Romans 12:12

 Betchaida was on her third round of kwashiorkor, a painful disease caused by malnutrition, often seen in her village in Haiti. 

She had a high fever and diarrhea and weighed just 29 pounds at 4 years old when first admitted to FMSC partner Love a Child’s clinic.

Two of Betchaida’s siblings had died from the same symptoms she had, and her family was scared they would lose her too.

Her parents are both farmers who grow bean, corn and grains. Their two-room home is made of sticks, clay and tin. They do not have running water.

The family traveled two hours by motorcycle to get help for Betchaida.

She gained 7 pounds after only one month in Love a Child’s clinic.

“The Feed My Starving Children rice helped her to become healthy and gain weight once the acute illness was treated,” Love a Child staff said.

Thank you for bringing life and hope back to Betchaida and her family.

UPDATE: If you are moved by Betchaida's story, we have a unique opportunity for you. She is one of six children whose story is featured in our Celebration Campaign. You can make your gift-giving effortless and meaningful by choosing one or more of these FMSC gift cards to celebrate a wedding, birthday, etc. Just click HERE to get started!


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