The Feed

Stories of Feeding God's Children Hungry in Body & Spirit


Packing, prison — and peace

Packing, prison — and peace

On August 5–6, FMSC staff worked alongside men incarcerated at the Marshall County Correctional Facility in Holly Springs, Mississippi, to pack over 130,000 meals.

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FargoPack 2024: Subzero temps and an all-time record

FargoPack 2024: Subzero temps and an all-time record

The FargoPack team had a crazy idea to mark their 10th MobilePack event: a 10-million-meal goal — by far the largest event goal in MobilePack history.

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For Second Year, Parkland Community Finds Healing Through Service

For Second Year, Parkland Community Finds Healing Through Service

"What was meant for evil, God is using for good. And this is just the start of it."

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In Illinois: A Hope Filled Holiday

In Illinois: A Hope Filled Holiday

We appreciate your generosity. Whether you packed, prayed or donated, we’re thanking God for you this Thanksgiving week.

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