The Feed
Stories of Feeding God's Children Hungry in Body & Spirit

Dodgeball Fundraiser Helps MobilePack™ Event Hit Milestone
- October 17, 2019
- Katie Koranda
- MobilePack
The sting of a rubber ball, the squeak of tennis shoes on a gym floor and the good natured trash talk across team lines can now be associated with a good cause.
Dodgeball has seen resurgence over the past decade, and if you want to raise money to feed kids, it’s apparently the way to go.
The hosts of the South Hills MobilePack™ in Pennsylvania held a dodgeball tournament fundraiser this past spring for their MobilePack that took place in September.
Forty two teams of children and adults competed in the tournament, which raised $6,500.
And it’s not the only trick Celina and Jeff Farabaugh and their team have up their sleeves. From dodgeball tournaments to lip sync battles to dance parties, event organizers work hard year round to make their MobilePack a success and raise the nearly $33,000 it takes to pack 140,000 meals.
“I’ve never seen anyone put so much into fundraising and bringing the community together like they do,” Janae Stansbury, Senior Event Supervisor for Feed My Starving Children, said.
And the hard work is paying off. The South Hills MobilePack reached a milestone this year, the fourth they’ve hosted the event – 500,000 total meals packed for kids around the world.
Celina knew after volunteering at FMSC for the first time that she wanted to host a MobilePack.
“It must be truly heartbreaking to send your children to bed hungry," she said. "I felt called to take action right there during the wrap-up portion of our first MobilePack experience.”
Feeding kids has been rewarding, but Celina said their spirits have been fed, too.
“We've met so many wonderful people, many of whom have become dear friends through this process,” she said. “God has provided for us every step of the way. Especially when things get tough, God shouts at us - I'm right here! I've got you! You're still being called to carry out this mission!”
Interested in hosting a MobilePack event? Learn more.
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