The Feed
Stories of Feeding God's Children Hungry in Body & Spirit
"As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love." - Ephesians 4: 1-2
Mark Crea is the executive director/CEO of Feed My Starving Children. He recently returned from a trip to Swaziland and Zambia.
When we arrived in Swaziland, it quickly became clear that they were in the middle of a crisis.
While many areas around the world are experiencing droughts, Swaziland is in a severe drought after not having any rain for the past two years.
Crops have failed. Wells and rivers have dried up. The price of food has skyrocketed. In the cities, the water is turned off for four days, then back on for only two.
When we asked the founders of Heart for Africa what their biggest issue is, their answer was the same, "We have no water."
Heart for Africa is a home for abandoned children that currently houses 142 children five years old and under.
In addition to the home, they also have many outreach and feeding programs throughout Swaziland. FMSC ships more than 3 million meals to Swaziland annually.
The drought has significantly increased the number of babies being abandoned. At Heart for Africa, the number of babies they have received has more than doubled since the drought began.
They were blessed last night when the latest container with 272,000 meals showed up at their warehouse. The shipment came just in time, as they were down to only four boxes of food.
Heart for Africa is a main supplier of jewelry and other items for FMSC’s MarketPlace and currently employs more than 100 artisans.
It was a real joy to spend time with the artisans and thank them. They were overjoyed when they learned that the proceeds of their items provide more than 2,500 meals every day for children around the world.
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