The Feed

Stories of Feeding God's Children Hungry in Body & Spirit


Pack at the Park: An Ode to Volunteers (and Their Tees)

Pack at the Park: An Ode to Volunteers (and Their Tees)

You packed more than 1 million meals!

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Feeding Spirits in Mississippi: ‘More than Mistakes’

Feeding Spirits in Mississippi: ‘More than Mistakes’

One of the most profound things I heard throughout my day at the Marshall County Correctional Facility came from a man named Willie. He said, “I may be in here for taking a life, but some of the kids are gaining a life back because of the food we packed.”

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In Atlanta: Serving with Love

In Atlanta: Serving with Love

This year FMSC was one of over 100 partners Passion City Church joined with to offer service projects.

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Minnesota, We Are 'Better Together'

Minnesota, We Are 'Better Together'

Thank you for believing we are better together.

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