The Feed

Stories of Feeding God's Children Hungry in Body & Spirit


From North Dakota to Nicaragua

From North Dakota to Nicaragua

This past spring, volunteers at the FMSC Greater Grand Forks MobilePack in North Dakota packed 435,456 meals.

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Thank you, Minnesota!

Thank you, Minnesota!

You showed up to the Love Somalia MobilePack, and we’re so grateful!

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Make this the Summer of Saving Lives in Somalia

Make this the Summer of Saving Lives in Somalia

Somalia is on the brink of famine. Join the Twin Cities to pack millions of life-saving meals!

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One Little Box

One Little Box

The “chances” that one little box from our pack would be there waiting for us when we showed up were slim to none, but our God loves to show His people that He is good.

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'That Food. That's What They Need'

'That Food. That's What They Need'

"He is very faith-filled, bright, dedicated, grateful, hard-working, empathetic … I could go on and on.," Laura said.

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